Early voting has started, and absentee ballots are on their way, so now is the time to learn more about the legislative candidates. We’ve gathered a variety of resources to aid your research. Make sure you cast an informed vote!
Members of the Idaho Freedom Caucus:
Scott Herndon
Glenneda Zuiderveld
Jacyn Gallagher
Tammy Nichols
Brian Lenney
Elaine Price
Heather Scott
Dale Hawkins
Joe Alfieri
Tony Wisniewski
Mike Kingsley
Cindy Carlson
The Gem State Chronicle has profiles for every candidate with links to their websites, social media, Sunshine reports, electoral history, and more.
ConservativesOf has a statewide voter guide highlighting conservative candidates for every office, including precinct committeeman.
Big E has a very detailed voter’s guide on their Substack.
Gem State Heist has good resources for voters in North Idaho.
Here is a good guide for voters in Ada County:
Things to watch out for:
The misnamed Idaho Liberty PAC has brought door-knockers in from out of state to attack conservative lawmakers in Canyon County. This article from the Gem State Chronicle explains how Gov. Little is indirectly funding these attacks.
Another article looks at who is behind the Gem State Conservatives, an astroturfed group led by former Idaho GOP chairmen Tom Luna and Trent Clark. They are spending literally millions of dollars to win PC races in hopes of taking control of the party this month.
Look carefully at any candidate who is endorsed by IACI or their Idaho Prosperity Fund. Will those people represent you or big business?
Here are some ways you can help the Idaho Freedom Caucus:
Get to know these public members and support their work. Back Row, left to right: Sen. Glenneda Zuiderveld–District 24; Rep. Tony Wisniewski–District 5; Rep. Joe Alfieri–District 4; Rep. Mike Kingsley–District 7; Rep. Dale Hawkins–District 2; Sen. Scott Herndon–District 1. Front Row, left to right: Rep. Jacyn Gallagher-District 9; Rep. Heather Scott (Co-Chair)–District 2; Rep. Elaine Price–District 4; Sen. Tammy Nichols (Co-Chair)–District 10; Sen. Brian Lenney–District 13; Sen. Cindy Carlson–District 7.
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Thanks for joining us in the fight to keep Idaho free. Idaho is worth defending!
Thank you, Idaho Freedom Caucus, for this most excellent guide to conservative voting in Idaho. And THANK YOU SO MUCH for including our Substack (Big E) in your esteemed list. We just updated it with the additional tidbits we found in your article today.
Be informed! Think carefully! If possible, vote in person on May 21 (Election Day) so you're sure to have the most current information before you make a decision.
Thank you! Please share with all your friends.