Dear President Trump:
Idahoans and conservatives from throughout the country are thrilled with your victory! We are proud to be part of this historic movement with a popular mandate to get things done and return America to its traditional freedom-honoring roots. Our Idaho Freedom Caucus is enthusiastic and ready to work with you for the next four years.
You have assembled an impressive team of competent strategic allies upon whom you can lean: JD Vance, Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Vivek Ramaswamy, and many more. You have energized and elevated an alternative media ecosystem including a broad coalition of popular podcasters, which has the potential to put corporate media and their packaged messages out of business for good.
We recognize the immense adversity you've faced under the globalist regime since you’ve been involved in politics. As patriots, we cannot overlook the institutional power they have built and fortified over the last 50 years. The regime may currently be in grief and disarray, but this will likely soon turn into anger and destruction. They still have massive power and influence and will do everything in their power to disrupt our agenda, regroup in force, and tear down all we hold precious in this Republic.
We request that you focus on these key federal mandates to make our movement durable. These policies will give us in the states room to do the rest:
Secure Federal Elections: We need a federal law that mandates voters use photo ID to ensure that only citizens can vote in federal elections. We also need to ensure no illegal immigrants are counted in the census and to re-appropriate representation (both congressional districts and electoral votes) to American citizens only.
Fortify the US Constitution: Our Constitution is sacred, and the federal government has gone too far astray. We must fortify our laws, penalize violations – in particular of the 1st Amendment – and destroy the censorship regime.
Secure Borders and Immigration: The US is not an economic zone; it is a country with citizens. We have to secure the border, remove the current “catch and release” attitude, and remove and penalize all paths that allow illegal immigrants to thrive: subsidies, handouts, ability to rent, employment, drivers licenses, etc. This will disincentivize illegals to come here as well as their NGO accomplices who are getting rich off of our broken system. We suggest a phased approach to deportation to remove the worst of the worst first. We must be resolute and not succumb to liberal media pressure and propaganda. We must keep our foot on the gas and destroy the liberal nonsense related to rationalizing illegal immigration. Finally, we have to absolutely destroy the cartels who are profiting off of drugs and human trafficking in our country. Treat them just as we treat terrorists.
Foreign Policy and Peace: America First has to be our priority. While the US exists in a global ecosystem, our elected government exists only to serve our citizens, not other global interests. We must stop the foreign wars which cause death and destruction, drain our reserves, and finances deep state corruption but also facilitates dangerous mass migration to the West. Our military is meant to protect our borders and security, not to engage in endless foreign adventures. We have to stop the ridiculous system of foreign aid which regularly backfires and puts the US at more risk. Foreign leaders need to respect America's power and we should achieve peace through strength, which frankly most countries, including our adversaries desire.
Economy and Taxes: We are in a major debt and inflationary crisis. Previous administrations have outsourced our economy wholesale, leaving the US only a husk of its previous financial self. We need to stop printing money while drafting and adhering to a fiscal policy that will eliminate our national debt and curb spending. Tax reduction for all Americans is essential to reinvigorate the American dream.
Dismantle the Federal Bureaucracy: Intelligence agencies, federal law enforcement, HHS/FDA, Education, EPA, BLM and the rest have all worked directly against the American people for way too long. We have to remove bad actors and streamline our bloated government, then delegate what little remains to the states.
Please remember, the 9th Amendment of the US Constitution states: Rights not enumerated in the Constitution are retained by the people. We need to return to our federalist principles, roll back federal agencies, and send back control to the states. The Supreme Court has made this clear with recent rulings overturning Roe v. Wade and Chevron Deference.
We have a vision to strengthen Idaho, a vision grounded in state sovereignty. State sovereignty is the only path forward that will allow Idaho to weather any out-of-control federal or global movement we may face in the future. Our goal under your friendly federal administration is to utilize the time we have been given to secure this vision. There is a long road ahead and we cannot afford to make mistakes and become complacent. We need to advance our vision and clean out our Idaho swamp from the bottom up as you clean out your D.C. swamp from the top down. Hopefully, we can meet in the middle of this wonderful God-inspired Republic and all be proud.
Congratulations on your historic win on November 5th, 2024. Please know you can lean on Idaho citizens and conservatives in the Idaho legislature to assist in efforts to rebuild our country and Make America Great Again.
God bless and Godspeed to you and your family, and God bless America!
Representative Heather Scott, Co-Chair Idaho Freedom Caucus
Senator Tammy Nichols, Co-Chair Idaho Freedom Caucus
A wonderful letter indeed. Thank you, Idaho Freedom Caucus!
One very key issue: Public health tyranny has been used to strip nearly every right in our US Constitution Bill of Rights, from the PREP Act to masking, lock downs, mandated shots and more. Dismantling the federal HHS and on down could help, but we have similar problems at the state level where the Idaho Constitution's Declaration of Rights was heavily trampled. Federal and state legislative health freedom and other solutions can be found here:
Excellent focus on key issues. President Trump will dismantle federal agencies and transform our country on all levels.