Note: "Lawfare" is a dangerous leftist tactic exploiting the legal system for political, ideological, or social gains. It involves the malicious use of lawsuits, legal threats, and other legal maneuvers to harass, intimidate, silence, or weaken adversaries. This tactic stifles free speech, silences dissent, and threatens democracy.
We previously discussed how the left effectively silenced a citizen who spoke out against drag shows for kids in Twin Falls. For more details, please refer to that article.
I will not be intimidated by lawfare!
by Senator Glenneda Zuiderveld
A few weeks ago, I shared my story of being kicked out of what was advertised as an open public meeting in Twin Falls. Despite the presence of numerous other Republicans in attendance, the organizer, Larry Hollifield, apparently thought I should not be allowed to hear the discussion.
One of the main speakers for this event was Christa Hazel, a woman from North Idaho who claims to be a Republican despite supporting Joe Biden. I shared some things people had told me about her, her background, and her positions. Her speech in Twin Falls was advertised as a warning about certain people and groups in Idaho, so I thought it important to learn a little bit about her as well.
A few days ago, however, I received a threat from Ms. Hazel’s lawyer that said I had until December 22 to retract the entire post and publish a pre-written apology, or else I would face legal consequences. (Email and letter shared below.)
Have you ever heard of “lawfare”? It’s the practice of using lawsuits, or even just the threat of lawsuits, to attack, intimidate, or outright silence your political opponents. This is something the left has been doing for years, so it’s disappointing to see it coming from those who claim to be fellow Republicans.
Remember that this all started when I was unceremoniously kicked out of a meeting. Perhaps Christa Hazel and her friends should remember the words of Scripture:
Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops. Luke 12:2-3
The Republican Party that I support believes in transparency, not hiding in the dark. Republicans don’t kick legislators out of meetings they were invited to, even if the invitation was accidental. Republicans don’t threaten lawsuits in response to free speech.
Republicans don’t support Democrats like Joe Biden, either, but here we are.
Thankfully, there is some good news on the horizon. My colleague in the Idaho Freedom Caucus, Senator Brian Lenney, will introduce a bill to stop frivolous lawsuits designed to shut down free speech. The legal field calls these “Strategic lawsuits against public participation” and 33 states already have anti-SLAPP laws on the books. Laws like this give judges the power to dismiss lawsuits that are obviously frivolous and designed to silence, censor, and intimidate political opponents. It’s time that Idaho joined them.
I will not be retracting my statement, because I will not allow threats of lawfare to cow me into submission. I promised my voters that I would always tell them the truth, and that is what I will do, no matter what. I don’t work for Senate leadership, and I don’t work for special interests that want to control what I say and do. I work for the voters of District 24, period. END OF STORY!
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While I'm not able to comment on the merits of this lawsuit I do find it interesting that this could be the beginning of Law Fare in our state. We have seen what is happening nationally and Idaho is not immune from this disturbing change that appears to be taking place in our judicial and legal system throughout our country. Idaho has been under attack by the left and both the old and new guard RINO's who have been bought and paid for by the elite corporatists who have been taking over our state by supporting moderate and left leaning legislators for the past 2 decades. You need only to look at what has been happening in our schools and libraries along with our state budget that has grown by leaps and bounds for the past 5 years at the expense of the working people of our state. They have already raised their banners over two of our most populated cities Meridian and Boise as shown by this past election of their respective mayors. If you don't want to see our state turn into another Oregon or Washington State I suggest that we wake up the people in rural Idaho and get them to the polls next November before it is too late to push back the surging blue tide. The current push to preclude our conservative legislators from sitting on various legislative committees is just one more step to allow control of our state to drift totally into the hands of the old guard Rinos and left leaning legislative lackeys. We need to support our conservative legislators because there are so few left to defend our rights. For years I have watched Idahoans enjoy hunting, fishing, ATVing, drinking beer and watching football while ignoring the fact that their state has been taken over by bureaucrats so that the people are no longer in charge. Idahoans need to be more attentive about who they vote for in 2024. If they are not it could mean the difference between Idaho being a free conservative state or one that is controlled by bureaucratic edicts that will restrict our rights and institute new rules and laws to restrict our God Given Freedoms. Remember "We Get the Government We Deserve.
Is it defamation if the information that was exposed about Ms. Hazel is true? Was she or was she not associated with Idaho Women for Biden? Was her father or was he not, involved in the Ruby Ridge debacle? It ought to be easy enough to prove if these allegations are true or not, without having to resort to intimidation tactics with a threatening letter from a lawyer.. If the meeting that Senator Zuiderveld was not allowed to attend was on the up and up, for the sake of transparency, it would be pretty simple to let the public know what issues were presented by Ms. Hazel. If nothing nefarious was going on, a simple statement would clear up any alleged conspiracies. Why were the attendees sworn to confidentiality or why do they have selective amnesia about what was discussed? Asking for a friend....