No More Masks!
Rep. Rob Beiswenger is presenting a bill to ban government mask mandates tomorrow!
Remember 2020? It doesn’t seem like so long ago that local governments and even unelected health boards told you to shut down your businesses and your churches, stand six feet apart, and the most ridiculous, wear masks in public.
In 2024, Idaho Freedom Caucus members Sen. Brian Lenney and Rep. Jacyn Gallagher introduced a bill to ban mask mandates by any government entity. Wouldn’t you know, representatives of government agencies testified against the bill! They were worried about losing their authority (we don’t believe they ever had it!) to force citizens to cover their faces in public.
Despite passing the House by a solid majority, the Senate State Affairs Committee refused to hear this bill. When Idaho Freedom Caucus member Sen. Tammy Nichols tried to use legislative rules to bring the bill before the Senate on the last day of the session, liberal Republicans joined with Democrats to stop the process.
Idaho Freedom Caucus Members understand that Idaho citizens have certain unalienable rights, including the right to make decisions about their own health and safety. Government agencies telling people to mask up or else face fines or worse is a gross violation of those rights.
We have good news!
Rep. Rob Beiswenger, one of the newest members of the Idaho Freedom Caucus, is presenting a new bill to ban government mask mandates in House State Affairs tomorrow morning at 9am. Click here to sign up to testify in favor of this common sense bill!
Masking must not ever happen in Idaho again. Please contact the House State Affairs committee via email or testify.
The Substack note linked below offers some talking points and explains how you can email the House State Affairs Committee.
Way to go Rep. Rob Beiswenger!
Why the hell do I need the government's permission to Not wear a mask?! I don't. While I lived in the people's Republik of Oregon during the scamdemic, i led a couple protests in the Clackamas town center mall, in conjunction with 2 other politically active groups, openly defying and protesting the mandates in that state. This news is simply smok in mirrors. The citizenry always retains the ultimate voice. Look at how less than 1% of people complied with the ATF's demands to register their AR pistol braced firearms a couple years ago. So I guess kudos to whoever passed the legislation because it's useless, I will and many others will, always resist tyranny. It doesn't take an act of a state legislature to tell me what I can and can't do in regards to personal liberty and freedom.