I am so grateful for the Idaho Freedom Caucus, and all the brave legislators who are members! Good luck this session. You are all in my thoughts and prayers daily.
“Free people should never be coerced to take an unwanted medical procedure or procedure.” ~ ICAN Legislate Website
“Liberty rights quickly erode without constant legal, social, and political struggle against government censorship, coercion, and mandates.” ~ Medical Liberty Pledge Website
Nearly every Idaho legislator with a “Republican R” after his/her name claims to be staunchly “pro-life.” To truly be pro-life, you must champion human, animal, and even plant life – whether pre-born or born.
To all Republican Legislators: Please consider practicing what you preach during the 2024 legislative session by taking the following actions. None will cost you or Idaho taxpayers a single penny. They will, however, affirm your dedication to life and liberty for every Idahoan.
1. Sign the Medical Liberty Pledge (12 current and past Idaho legislators or candidates have signed as of 1/7/24):
a. “I hereby pledge that as an elected official I will oppose any government action and repeal/veto any law that would coerce or require any American to acquiesce to a medical product or procedure.”
a. “No law may require or coerce a person to receive or use a medical product, or impose a penalty or deprive a benefit for refusing a medical product or refusing to disclose whether a person has received a medical product.”
Pass the following bills, which are in downloadable model form at ICAN Legislate (designed by Aaron Siri). Bills marked with * have been introduced in Idaho, but not yet passed. Note that Arizona’s legislature is working on introducing (or has introduced) all of the bills listed below.
5. Lead By Example Bill: Requires elected officials to receive a vaccine before voting to require or expand the requirement for the vaccine: https://icanlegislate.org/lead-by-example-bill/
Thank you!
I am so grateful for the Idaho Freedom Caucus, and all the brave legislators who are members! Good luck this session. You are all in my thoughts and prayers daily.
“Free people should never be coerced to take an unwanted medical procedure or procedure.” ~ ICAN Legislate Website
“Liberty rights quickly erode without constant legal, social, and political struggle against government censorship, coercion, and mandates.” ~ Medical Liberty Pledge Website
Nearly every Idaho legislator with a “Republican R” after his/her name claims to be staunchly “pro-life.” To truly be pro-life, you must champion human, animal, and even plant life – whether pre-born or born.
To all Republican Legislators: Please consider practicing what you preach during the 2024 legislative session by taking the following actions. None will cost you or Idaho taxpayers a single penny. They will, however, affirm your dedication to life and liberty for every Idahoan.
1. Sign the Medical Liberty Pledge (12 current and past Idaho legislators or candidates have signed as of 1/7/24):
a. “I hereby pledge that as an elected official I will oppose any government action and repeal/veto any law that would coerce or require any American to acquiesce to a medical product or procedure.”
b. Sign the pledge here: https://mlpledge.org/join/
c. Idahoans who have pledged: https://mlpledge.org/members/?filter=true&state=idaho
2. Pass the following Constitutional Amendment:
a. “No law may require or coerce a person to receive or use a medical product, or impose a penalty or deprive a benefit for refusing a medical product or refusing to disclose whether a person has received a medical product.”
b. Source: https://icanlegislate.org/constitutional-amendment/
3. Enact model bills, which already have been vetted by Constitutional attorney Aaron Siri:
a. Siri & Glimstad Law Firm: https://www.sirillp.com/ (admitted in Idaho and >20 other states)
b. Aaron Siri bio, qualifications, accomplishments and media appearances: https://www.sirillp.com/aaron-siri/
c. Aaron Siri’s Testimony before the Arizona Legislature: https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/aaron-siri-gives-testimony-on-the-floor-of-arizona-state-senate/
Pass the following bills, which are in downloadable model form at ICAN Legislate (designed by Aaron Siri). Bills marked with * have been introduced in Idaho, but not yet passed. Note that Arizona’s legislature is working on introducing (or has introduced) all of the bills listed below.
Source: https://icanlegislate.org/model-bills-page/
1. * Vaccine Confidence Bill: Assures the public that an exemption exists for required vaccines that do not meet certain minimal requirements: https://icanlegislate.org/vaccine-confidence-bill/
2. No Liability No Mandate Bill: Assures that individuals will not be mandated to receive medical products if the manufacturer of the product cannot be sued: https://icanlegislate.org/no-liability-no-mandate-bill/
3. Engineered Pathogen Bill: Assures that individuals will not be infected with engineered viruses and bacteria without their express consent: https://icanlegislate.org/engineered-pathogen-bill/
4. Public Health Conflicts Bill: Limits the ability of individuals employed by public health agencies to then be employed by certain pharmaceutical companies: https://icanlegislate.org/public-health-conflicts-bill/
5. Lead By Example Bill: Requires elected officials to receive a vaccine before voting to require or expand the requirement for the vaccine: https://icanlegislate.org/lead-by-example-bill/
6. Medical Exemption Bill: An act to standardize the process and procedure for obtaining a medical exemption from required immunizations: https://icanlegislate.org/medical-exemption-bill/
• Politicians: Take the Pledge for Medical Freedom: https://eolson47.substack.com/p/take-the-pledge-for-medical-freedom
• Some Idaho Counties already have signed resolutions or letters of support. See, for example, Boise County’s resolution 2024-10: https://www.boisecounty.us/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Res-2024-10-signed.pdf
Thank you for standing for Idahoans’ liberty. Without MEDICAL liberty, there is NO liberty.