The first major error that advocates of illegal immigration often make is the baseless insinuation that the federal government is somehow obligated to supply foreign replacement labor for domestic industries in states like Idaho.

This mindset not only invites an influx of foreign workers but also has detrimental effects such as displacing American workers and depressing wages across various industries.

It's crucial to understand that this is not merely about "guest workers" but rather the importation of an entire replacement workforce. This approach poses a significant security risk, exacerbating existing crises, including trafficking and the influx of fentanyl.

**A glaring issue with temporary visa programs is their lack of temporariness.**

Statistics show that 68% of illegal aliens in the U.S. are here due to overstaying their visas.

Yet, lefty critics often say the term "illegal aliens" is a racist dog whistle. However, what's genuinely racist is the exploitation of these people through low wages and practically slave labor conditions, not to mention the sweeping generalizations made about all white people in Idaho.

This is nothing but projection.

I've grown up around dairy, avocado, and walnut farms in the largest agricultural state in the country. So, I understand the industry, and I still firmly believe that flooding America with an illegal foreign workforce is detrimental to the country and a massive security breach, not just for Idaho but on a national scale.

The current approach only serves to incentivize further waves of migrants at the border. Congress should focus on reducing the illegal entry of both people and substances like fentanyl, instead of reforming guest worker programs.

The dairy industry's desire for year-round, low-cost foreign laborers does not align with the concept of a "guest worker." It represents a failure to uphold our nation's sovereign integrity and goes against conservative values and what's best for Idaho.

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With the USMCA "Trade Agreement", the United States turned control of our immigration policy over to the United Nations. The US gov't is enforcing UN dictates instead of Acts of Congress re immigration. See https://www.renewamerica.com/columns/huldah/240104

The paper also shows why We must not permit Congress to call a Convention. The globalists need a new Constitution which will make legal UN control of our entire Country. And yes, traitors and fools and dupes are all for this.

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YES! This invasion and destruction of US and state sovereignty must not continue. Every state must stand against foreign invasion. The Constitution of the United States demands it. And, as you wrote:

We respectfully urge Governor Little and the Legislature to take action to support Governor Abbott and the good people of Texas. Govenor Abbott is doing what is necessary to protect America from this unprecedented foreign invasion. ~ IDAHO FREEDOM CAUCUS

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Rather than writing a lengthy position, I should refer readers to my writings on drugs because the end game is the same that few, if anyone will address, still. I am not sure what it is going to take, so I will keep trucking on my current trajectory. Guys, this isn't about drugs, or immigration, this is about world government so nothing we do will deal with the root cause of the problem unless we deal with the root cause of the problem. Issues like Drugs, and immigration are by products of the bigger issue, and I say they are used to keep people busy putting out little flames without focusing on the major blaze. I stand for any correction.

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Yes, Global gov't controlled by the UN is the goal. A gov't where our Rights come from the UN instead of being unalienable gifts from the Creator God. And where those UN-granted Rights may never be exercised contrary to the Principles of the United nations.

But ppl don't want to look at this - they don't want to deal with it.

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Thank you. Well, while many may look at me as "part of the furniture" around here with as long as I have been around and attempt to render me insignificant for whatever reason, it doesn't mean what I am saying hasn't been true all along. The cool part is that anyone that knows you would know that you add a tremendous level of credibility to anything you comment on, and people should at least recognize you for that fact or realize they will suffer the consequences for not doing so.

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Thank you, Thomas! But the powers that be hate Truth tellers so our works are buried. And I know you aren't part of the furniture!

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The Take Our Border Back Convoy starts tomorrow and will travel across the U.S. beginning in Virginia and California to Yuma AZ and just north of Eagle Pass TX. Follow along and support here:https://takeourborderback.com/

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This lays out the Law re what States can do: https://publiushuldah.wordpress.com/?s=invasion+of+arizona

I wrote it 14 years ago. Yikes, what a way to spend one's life....

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Keep up your good work

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Idaho is very blessed to have Legislators like those in The Idaho Freedom Caucus. I think Heather Scott is absolutely wonderful - she's the only member of the Caucus I know.

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I know Tammy also!

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So I just read your Substack Senator Carlson and wondered all day yesterday if Little had stepped up to join the 25 other states to back Gov Abbott of Texas. Guess I got my answer. Little nads has not pledged Idaho’s support of Texas and its resistance to Federal overreach.

What a maroon! Ill call his office tomorrow morning to respectfully inquire as to WHEN he plans to take a stand. Thank You! For your excellent article and commentary. Im sharing to my IdahoCounty.com telegram channel!

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