What's happening with Senator Winder's authoritarian tactics against the Idaho Freedom Caucus is downright outrageous. Senators Herndon and Zuiderveld are the true champions here, bravely standing up against the tidal wave of unchecked spending and the shadowy influence of special interest groups.

They're doing exactly what they were elected them to do – represent the people of Idaho, not some high-and-mighty political elite.

And now they're facing ethics complaints for what?

For daring to speak the truth?

For having the guts to call out the big spenders and the backroom deal-makers?

This is a slap in the face to everything we believe in – free speech, accountability, and the right of our elected representatives to actually represent the people, not be muzzled by threats and intimidation.

We can't stand by and watch this happen. Idahoans everywhere need to stand up and speak out.

This is a battle for the soul of Idaho, and we need you to be right there on the front lines with us!

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Winder, like Luna, Bedke, little and Jones are clawing to regain control from the people. It's evident the Uniparty will punish anyone that isn't towing the government first line.

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Essentially, they are being told to fall in line or else. This “disciplinary” action will be eagerly used (and abused) against these fine Senators in the upcoming election. They need your support now more than ever.

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Don’t apologize or back down! You are both doing great and so is the entire Idaho Freedom Caucus!

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Once again, the beast is exposed and they cannot handle the light being put on them. I appreciate those in the Freedom Caucus and hope the caucus will only expand with new members that hold the same conservative principles. Do you remember growing up what your parents told you about how you treat bullies, sock them in the mouth. Truly amazing how much Idaho is being run by faux Republicans. Dorothy Moon has her work cut out for her, and God Bless her, because the RINO's just like the left in Washington, control plenty.

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Winder thinks awfully highly of himself! What a jerk.

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