Dear Idaho,
You are not a conservative state.
I know you think you are. After all, more than 80% of your lawmakers call themselves Republican. The Republican Party controls the House, the Senate, and the Governor’s office.
But let’s be honest. Idaho just isn’t conservative. Many Republican lawmakers vote like Democrats. Even those who campaign as “conservatives” vote liberal more than half the time.
Here are some examples:
HJM11—To hold President Biden and the federal government accountable for the invasion at our southern border. (Failed on the House floor.)
Conservative states stand up for the rule of law rather than illegal immigrants and the corporations that employ them. But, Idaho lawmakers rejected a resolution calling for securing the border and holding our government accountable for facilitating the invasion on our southern border. HJM11 failed in the House 34-34-2. Those in red care more about getting cheap illegal labor than securing our borders.
H572—Prohibit Universal Basic Income. (Sent from Senate State Affairs Committee to Senate Amending Orders.)
Conservative states don’t support free money in the form of universal basic income. This idea is pure socialism: paying people not to work. In Idaho, lawmakers rejected H572, a bill to ban universal basic income.
HJR4—A constitutional amendment to ensure the candidate who receives the most votes is the election winner. (Failed on the House floor-required 2/3 yes vote to pass.)
Conservative states believe in the concept of one person, one vote. This has been the way elections have been held in our country since the beginning, and it’s the simplest and most direct way of electing the people’s representatives. In Idaho, lawmakers rejected HJR 4, a constitutional amendment to codify “one person, one vote” into our highest law. Many Republicans have even gone on record supporting the ranked-choice voting initiative.
S1234—Requires insurers to expand their contraceptive coverage. (Passed the House floor.)
Conservative states don’t micromanage insurance companies. Conservatives believe in the free market and the ability of consumers to make their own choices. In Idaho, lawmakers passed a Democrat bill, S1234, endorsed by Planned Parenthood, to force insurers to reimburse six months of contraception at a time.
H447—The Idaho Parental Choice Tax Credit, School Choice. (Failed in House Revenue & Taxation Committee.)
Conservative states support school choice. Arizona, Iowa, Florida, Indiana, and Texas all give parents and families options for tax money to follow the children rather than being locked into a one-size-fits-all system. In Idaho, lawmakers rejected H447, the softest school choice bill, because the public school bureaucracy owns them.
H525—Restricts district boards of health to administer and enforce only essential and reasonable health laws and regulations. (Failed in Senate Health & Welfare Committee.)
In conservative states, government agencies are not granted unlimited authority to shut down churches, schools, and businesses. In Idaho, lawmakers killed H525, a bill limiting the power of health districts. It was killed in committee because a Republican joined two Democrats in opposition.
As you can see, Idaho is not a conservative state. Maybe it will be someday, but today, it’s a moderate, even a liberal state. Idaho puts on a red jacket to hide its blue outfit.
Given Idaho's current political landscape, a push toward conservatism is needed. Embracing values like smaller government, personal freedom, and fiscal responsibility is crucial for Idaho to truly embody conservative principles.
The Idaho Freedom Caucus stands as a beacon of true conservatism, unwaveringly championing these values. Rest assured, our commitment to upholding conservative ideals remains steadfast as we work to secure a brighter future for Idaho.
Here are some ways you can help the Idaho Freedom Caucus:
Get to know these public members and support their work. Back Row, left to right: Sen. Glenneda Zuiderveld–District 24; Rep. Tony Wisniewski–District 5; Rep. Joe Alfieri–District 4; Rep. Mike Kingsley–District 7; Rep. Dale Hawkins–District 2; Sen. Scott Herndon–District 1. Front Row, left to right: Rep. Jacyn Gallagher-District 9; Rep. Heather Scott (Co-Chair)–District 2; Rep. Elaine Price–District 4; Sen. Tammy Nichols (Co-Chair)–District 10; Sen. Brian Lenney–District 13; Sen. Cindy Carlson–District 7.
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Thank you so much for this thorough and amazing and disheartening report. Kudos to all those who tried so hard to do the right thing for Idaho, and SHAME SHAME SHAME to those who failed.
We must primary the people who claim to be conservatives but vote like progressives! To find out how your legislators voted -- before you vote for them again -- visit
Count me in as a political refugee from Newsolini's totalitarian state. I have been in Idaho for over four years now and I have done everything I can to understand the political leaders here and who is conservative and who are the sellouts with an R after their name. I have attended more conservatives of meetings, followed politics more and donated quite a bit to help those liberty minded conservatives and will continue to do so. I will get involved in the primary and support my Rep Josh Tanner while donating to Idaho Freedom Caucus, Stop Idaho Rinos, IFF and those liberty candidates. We need to pull together and start a reckoning in this state and get back to fiscal sanity while pushing these proposed laws over the finish line to fight from becoming a blue state.
I know, so many so called natives will say, we don't need you blue state people influence, well tough shit, we are here and last I checked there isn't another state we can go to that can be tweaked to where if successful, we can have the leave me alone citizen status. I am a fan of Senator Lenney and have donated to him in the past and will again. I had someone tell me that I shouldn't care about anything to do with politics because I am aging out. Well screw that, I have kids and grandkids and I will fight the evil left until the day I die all while being a happy warrior.