Thank you so much for this thorough and amazing and disheartening report. Kudos to all those who tried so hard to do the right thing for Idaho, and SHAME SHAME SHAME to those who failed.

We must primary the people who claim to be conservatives but vote like progressives! To find out how your legislators voted -- before you vote for them again -- visit https://eolson47.substack.com/i/137032962/how-did-my-idaho-legislator-vote

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Thanks for sharing the info. As a refugee from a blue state that recently flipped and is being destroyed, I’m very concerned. There is no where to run now when your liberty is destroyed here. Wake the heck up, ID!

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You're welcome for the info!

And you are so right, Dirk Perfect! We, too, fled a blue state (Oregon) hoping to find a refuge in ID. Unfortunately, only "We the People" can protect and preserve this state. It's worth preserving, so we all must work together to save it.

Let's encourage everyone to share the good stuff and try to do something every day, whether large or small. Check out this post for some ideas: https://eolson47.substack.com/p/ranting-and-raving-lets-not-be-caving

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Thank you! I appreciate the response and look forward to following your page.

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Count me in as a political refugee from Newsolini's totalitarian state. I have been in Idaho for over four years now and I have done everything I can to understand the political leaders here and who is conservative and who are the sellouts with an R after their name. I have attended more conservatives of meetings, followed politics more and donated quite a bit to help those liberty minded conservatives and will continue to do so. I will get involved in the primary and support my Rep Josh Tanner while donating to Idaho Freedom Caucus, Stop Idaho Rinos, IFF and those liberty candidates. We need to pull together and start a reckoning in this state and get back to fiscal sanity while pushing these proposed laws over the finish line to fight from becoming a blue state.

I know, so many so called natives will say, we don't need you blue state people influence, well tough shit, we are here and last I checked there isn't another state we can go to that can be tweaked to where if successful, we can have the leave me alone citizen status. I am a fan of Senator Lenney and have donated to him in the past and will again. I had someone tell me that I shouldn't care about anything to do with politics because I am aging out. Well screw that, I have kids and grandkids and I will fight the evil left until the day I die all while being a happy warrior.

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go to www.centerforselfgovernance.com/pwog and fill out an affidavit about how the government has been weaponized against you to send in to Jim Jordan's committee. apparently everyone in DC thinks Idaho was free during the past 4 years.... prove them wrong.

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Thank you so much for your support. It's going to take all of us to keep Idaho from turning into Colorado. I believe the conservative refugees from blue states will be who saves Idaho. You know what it feels like to live under oppression. If we can't save Idaho...where can we flee?

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Argh - so disappointing and maddening.

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Depressing, but thanks for calling attention to this mockery of conservative values. Your work is vital.

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