Once elected, many commissioners and legislators simply ignore citizens. They do not return phone calls. They do not read or respond to emails. In-person conversations often result in little if any action. So our tax dollars are not spent wisely.

All taxation is a form of theft. People who steal stuff should not be allowed to run our lives.

Ammon Bundy’s proposals for taxes made a whole lot of sense. See https://www.votebundy.com/about/keep-idaho-idaho-plan/

* Eliminate property tax: https://www.votebundy.com/about/keep-idaho-idaho-plan/?1_1

* Eliminate personal income tax: https://www.votebundy.com/about/keep-idaho-idaho-plan/?1_2

* Eliminate personal property tax: https://www.votebundy.com/about/keep-idaho-idaho-plan/?1_3

* Collect taxes only through consumption: https://www.votebundy.com/about/keep-idaho-idaho-plan/?1_4

The only tax we approve of is a consumption tax. This type of tax allows each person to control their own spending and decide whether part of that spending should be taxed.

Property tax must be built into the mortgage or initial price of a property. Once paid off, that property should not be taxed again. Otherwise, you don’t own your property; you rent it from the government to do with as they please.

Some “common good” functions of government to protect the citizens from invasion and crime (whether foreign or domestic), maintain roads and infrastructure, fire, police are proper. That’s pretty much it. Everything else is a nice to have.

For each line item in the local, state, and federal budget, elected officials must assess:

1. Is it the proper role of government to provide and pay for this (most items will NOT pass this sniff test)? THIS IS MOST IMPORTANT.

2. What is the source of funding? Local, state, federal, grant? What happens if that funding source dries up? Who is left holding the bag?

3. Are strings attached that will raise future costs or require citizens to behave in a way that we wouldn’t behave without that funding?

All three conditions must be assessed before we even consider the costs of a new or existing program. Especially #1 — proper role of government. If it doesn’t pass #1, it must not be done in the first place and it must be removed from the budget if it already exists.

Nice to haves are fine if it’s one’s own money, but NEVER fine if it’s other people’s money. Not the proper role of government? Then it should not happen with taxpayer money. Period.

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I pay nearly $5000 in property taxes. This has to stop- I’m basically “renting” my property from the county and it should be illegal that they can take it from me for not being able to pay such high taxes.

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$1 is more than anyone should have to pay for property taxes. Property taxes means you are a slave, and the land does not belong to you.

It has nothing to do with anarchy or the caste system, that argument is a logical fallacy.

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The minimum of 3% increase in property tax for tax districts may keep the levy rates down, but is usurped by the unjust method of adjusting property values each year which in my case this year increase by 30%. This INCREASED my $$ by almost a $1K in additional tax.

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Zero, zip, zilch, nada. That is what we are willing to fund with money stolen from us under the color of law!!!!

Taxation is theft! Period. End of story.

Taxation is a curse from God for NOT following HIS way and tithing to HIM. The government has usurped God's holy place and that is why we are taxed!

My hard-earned money is just that. MINE NOT YOURS TO TAKE AND SPEND!!!!

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You do realize that those three forms of taxation are not all the taxation there is, right? Firstly, they add up to probably 40%. Then all licenses and registrations are forms of taxation. So are so-called permits and fees, to do things for which we should need no government permission. They are taxes. If we stick with God's way. 10% plus a pittance for the government instead of near 50%.

Think about it. And pray. Whenever you vote for a tax or a fee, etc. You are voting to steal from your neighbor. God has said, thou shalt not steal. Yeah. That counts.

In the Liberty of Christ the King,


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In 2023 the state raked in $403M in tax revenue from the tax on food at the grocery store. The state refunded $199M via the grocery tax credit. The state made a profit off of Idahoans of $200M!!

Where did that "profit" go? How was it spent? Idaho needs to repeal the tax we pay on food at the grocery store. We are being taxed to death and also being taxed on a basic human need, like food, is not a good look for Idaho. There are 13 states that charge people tax on groceries and it really needs to stop.

Gov. Little said he would sign it if the legislature send a repeal to his desk. That's better than what Gov. Otter did in 2017...nothing

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