(reposted from Sen Lenney Substack comment - https://brianlenney.substack.com/p/reclaiming-state-sovereignty-over/comment/72338791)

Awesome work, Sen. Lenney! Thank you for so clearly stating the problems and the solutions.

We've added your article to several Substack posts in hopes of sharing your message far and wide in Idaho:

-> https://substack.com/@bige47/note/c-72337589

-> https://eolson47.substack.com/p/health-freedom-and-other-solutions

-> https://eolson47.substack.com/p/idahos-illegal-immigration-open-borders

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Thank you for doing all you can to protect the citizens of Idaho. I think the plan you laid out is excellent. We simply cannot sustain paying for illegal immigrants' healthcare, housing, travel, etc. - as Biden's Admin has been doing with taxpayer money, without it collapsing our economy. Obama-Biden-Harris are using the Cloward and Piven strategy to collapse the economy in order to replace it with a different system controlled by a power elite. Furthermore, the immigrants being shipped into our country over the past 4 years are not the same immigrants we were used to. They are not young Mexican families crossing the border in pursuit of a better life, as for so long was the case. By and large the current administration is importing young men of fighting age, from China, from the Middle East, and they are importing criminals without vetting, gang members, child sex predators, gun smugglers, and human traffickers, as you mentioned. The intent is to continue to overthrow our country, our freedoms, our economy, our traditions, our morals, and our sense of peace. It has nothing to do with ethnicity and everything to do with legality. Immigrants have always been welcomed to our country, but they must do so legally! Again, thank you!

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Amen! This sounds like a good game plan. Let’s try to get this done in 2025.

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We are fleeing CA to North Idaho in 3 weeks. PLEASE DO NOT LET IDAHO BECOME CA!! I feel like a Chinese refugee escaping communist China. Do EVERYTHING to stop illegals from infiltrating the state. They are not interested in assimilating. If they break the law once they will continue to break our laws and harm our citizens!! PROTECT IDAHO!!

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If an employer is found to hav hired an illegal they shouldn’t be allowed to declare that as a business expense, fully taxable!

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Please provide names of legislative members in this caucus

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