I too am wary of using term like fair left. Let’s just talk about the problems with prop 1. Independents are not prohibited from voting in general elections just primaries where parties choose their candidates. Note: parties means registered parties ie Republican and democrat and others. If you want to vote in the primary look at the platforms and pick a party that matches your political view. Moderates are not disenfranchised as some propose. Ranked choice voting is rarely used in the US because it is rife with fraud and does not reflect the majority vote. Look up the # of states that use ranked choice if you doubt me

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Id argue that if you vote democrat now adays youre far left. Look at the platform. Their policies are far left.

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"The most sinister part of Prop 1 is what it will do to our general elections. Right now, Idaho’s counties, like Bonner and Boundary, use secure paper ballots, hand-counted to ensure election integrity. Prop 1 will destroy that, forcing us to adopt shady voting systems, like the infamous Dominion machines, and introduce Ranked Choice Voting—a confusing, fraud-prone process that will undermine the sanctity of your vote."

YES! Ranked Choice Voting is the go-to method for hijacking elections in Berkley, SF, and Oakland, CA. The results speak for themselves. Look into the exorbinant costs of running the Internet connected machines rather than 1 day, hand-counted, results in same day. CA counties are going to be squeezed into submission due to economics related to using Dominion et al. Gov. Newscum is aware of the situation, pending.

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No one is even saying republicans support this as well? Maybe we should define “radical left.” More names with arbitrary definitions.

Did you know “RINOS” are also conservatives? Hello, McFly.

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Important point. The Dems are easy and already in self-destruct mode. The CA GOP got us into this situation as much as the Left. New California State Project is only non Uni-party alternative here. Merica First candidates are the only way through, imo.

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They are republicans but not conservatives there is actually a difference.

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I am so disappointed that every issue that seems to plague Idaho is due to the “radical left.”

If one would see this like I do, they may question something like motive, not on the issue per se but why an org blames their political nemesis, “the other guys.”

I, personally see one motive and that isn’t to inform really but more to give the impression that the other option is better.

Why is this? I believe it is to grow one political party over another that, to me, raises the level of emotion appealing to an ignorant base that somehow voting republican will save us.

Until we rise above the Romper Room shenanigans Idaho will continue to suffer with little to stop what is happening.

Finally, there are huge things happening no one is talking about that affect all Americans, why is no one talking about those? Are they too confrontational? Will that sew discord in the ranks and expose the lack of unity in the org? One can only be suspect, that thinks anyway.

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Thank you for clearly presenting the problems with Proposition 1. All you need to do is look who wants it. Our election system in Idaho is not broken, people are not disenfranchised, and it does not need to be fixed. Those that claim voters are disenfranchised are hoping the low information voters will trust them and believe they must have an Open Primary to be counted. Not true. But what those voters don't realize is Open Primaries is married to Ranked Choice Voting. You can't have one without the other. I would never rank Biden or Harris on my ballot; therefore, my ballot risks being exhausted or "thrown out." Ranked Choice Voting favors moderates and not those in the majority. In Red states the Republicans don't want it and in Blue states Democrats don't want it.

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Exactly democrats get to vote for rinos and soft Rs that will slowly turn the state blue. After they do that theyll end it in a heartbeat! VOTE NO!

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Your opposition prop 1 just continues to disenfranchise 60% of the moderate, conservative Middle. Just go observe a Bonner Cty Board of Commissioners meeting to see how the power grab of the current system where real moderate R’s, that want fair, common sense government, are sidelined by those that tell us it is their way or the highway and that if we disagree with their ideology or actions, we r immediately labeled RINOs.

When will Common Sense make Sense?!?

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By the way you have a "moderate governor" and common sense government is a term I hear from the left quite a bit so rino may not be too far from correct.

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Doesnt at all. If your a moderate R then your registered republican and open primaries means very little. By the way there are no more "moderate democrats."

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Lol. Exactly. stop playing political sides that only benefit party not the people. I am so sick of it. “Common sense” just isn’r

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Rank choice voting doesnt benefit "the people."

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Rank choice voting is a uniparty move. Look at Alaska with Murkowski. Rank choice voting is as Unamerican as it gets.

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Where do I get a vote no sign for my yard?

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