I know my comments will go against the grain, but after observing public school education and many school board meetings and school board trainings, I favor repealing the entire Article IX of the Idaho Constitution (https://sos.idaho.gov/elect/stcon/article_IX.html), not just Section 5 (the "Blaine Amendment").

Here's Section 1 of Article IX:

"SECTION 1. LEGISLATURE TO ESTABLISH SYSTEM OF FREE SCHOOLS. The stability of a republican form of government depending mainly upon the intelligence of the people, it shall be the duty of the legislature of Idaho, to establish and maintain a general, uniform and thorough system of public, free common schools."

Public funding of education -- secular or religious -- needs a complete rethinking. Article IX of Idaho's constitution has led to wasted taxpayer money, poor student outcomes, massive bureaucracies and regulation, binders full of policies and procedures, and a loss of traditional family values.

I'd generally support providing a permanent endowment that enables taxpaying citizen parents to choose (within reason) how to educate their own children, without limiting their options to one kind of school or another. Tax credits or simply not taxing for education at all could put money in parents pockets to be used for their kids' educations.

Of course, the above ideas will never fly with the education bureaucracy or the tax collection agencies, would require massive layoffs, and roll back massive numbers of rules and regulations, but it could be the right thing to do.

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Thank you for the education on an important topic. As the Jesuits have long seized control of the public education system nationwide, inclusive of Higher Ed. I'm thinking the historical 'discrimination' may not have worked out as planned. Is the taxes follow the student idea pertinent here?

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Repeal it.

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