"It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin." ~Jesus

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Sup Brian?! :)

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It would be wise for Idaho to reconsider our memberships in national government-funding advocacy organizations across the board - very often they advocate policy positions that actually hurt Idaho, including funding formulae that are biased against Idaho.

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Yes, across the board. No Idaho tax dollars for these groups nor the use of private dollars by state public agencies for these groups.

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Please, no disrespect intended but It is time to call it what it is... and not reduce it to some "conspiracy theory." Say it! Agenda 2030!

Need proof? https://www.ala.org/aboutala/ala-task-force-united-nations-2030-sustainable-development-goals And remember JBS has been right all along. Need more info? Feel free to contact me. If people don't know what is happening, they will never stop it. Would Jesus or anyone else appreciate us not telling the truth if we knew it?

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Good on ya IFC. It would be good to consider applying the constitutional "grant of power" test to every one of the 640 federal agencies (my last count a year ago) and consider removing support from them one by one. What that removal of support would entail would be up to the legislature. I would suggest that of the 640, only the executive agencies "might" be constitutionally allowed and very few of them would likely pass the "test".

Deleting support for the ALA is as the pundit said, " a good start".

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Do not pass any levy requests from libraries or schools that are members of ALA or support ALA policies. Actually, defeat all levies, but especially these.

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